Cacao Journey
We are going on a journey...
...are you gonna join us?
This journey allows me to share my love of cacao and authentic sacred ceremony with you and there is nothing I would rather do!
This time the journey will be all about the important topic of: DIVINE REST
The cacao journey offers you:
4 different cacao ceremonies online with me
a chance to question our relationship to rest and to redefine it
a chance to go deep and explore the subconsciousness
a tool to dive deeper into your spiritual practice
the magic of mamacita cacao
Dates: 04.09. | 06.09. | 09.09. | 11.09.
Time: The ceremonies will be in the evening at 7pm (CET) and will last for about 2 hours
Recordings: It is possible to receive a recording, if you miss one of the dates.
Investition 200€
What you can expect on this journey
In each meeting we will dive into a different way of immersing ourselves in a state of divine rest.
We will do that through:
Yoga Nidra
A Shamanic Journey
Investition 200€
My intention behind the journey is to bring you very close to the spirit of cacao and to the healing power of REST, and to show you how to practice true reciprocity (TAKE & GIVE) through ceremony. Each sacred ceremony gives us so much energy, wisdom and love from the universe and it is our job to give back energy and love so that the energy in the universe stays balanced and we support the earth in her being.
Each of the four ceremonies of the Cacao Journey will connect us to mamacita cacao, and will help us to heal our relationship to rest, which is such an important state for our bod and mind to heal and to rechage. In our fast-paced society, which is so goal- and performance-oriented, it is an act of rebellion to allow ourselves to rest and recover BEFORE we notice the first symptoms of stress! We will work mainly with sacred space, medicine songs and hold a lot of space for you to share and ask questions as well.
You will train your nervous system to go into the parasympathetic state and experience the amazingness of deep rest.
You will receives tips on how to best prepare for this journey and the ceremonies. To settle into sacred space is a profound practice that holds a lot of mystical experiences - what exactly you will experience, no one knows but the great spirit.
It's going to be magical and I can't wait to open this space with you!