Online Shop
I am excited to offer you on-demand audio meditation and sound healings for your daily practice.
Yoga Nidra
This practice is an ancient way to tap into our systems inherent radiant energy of rest. It is one of my favourite practices for getting into what I call "Divine Rest". All you need is aquiet and comfortable space where you can lay down flat on your back for savasana. I recommend listening to the audio with headphones to reall get all the benefits of the recording (I used a 432hz soundtrack from Seed of Soundscape that also features a fire sound, that was sampled in my beautiful living room).
Get this beautiful 30min yoga nidra for 10€ [in English]
Shamanic Meditation
These meditations help you to train your heart and brain to manifest your intentions and forms a new habit that will positively impact your life.They are designed to help you create a deeper connection with each of the four elements within yourself and Mother Nature.
Get one for €10 or all four for €35 [meditations in GERMAN]

Sunday Soundhealing
Repetition is what creates healthy new habits and trains our brain. The Sunday Soundhealings were designed to do exactly that. Listen to this Soundhealing every Sunday (or on another day, of course) at the same location at the same time. This will help your nervous system go into relaxation quicker, as it will get used to the setting and know as soon as you lay down - it is time to switch into the paraympathetic nervous system, which will help you, relax, heal and restore.
Get one for €5 or all four for €15 [meditations in GERMAN]

Yoga Classes
Enjoy a holistic yoga session with me anytime (for now all classes in the shop are in German). You can rent the videos below for 72 hours for 15€
My yoga stile is a mix of Hatha, Anusara and Flow, which means you will be enjoying a class that focuses on the individual poses, alignment and also a joyful flow that brings it all together.