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what is sacred?

Reflections on my time in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, November 2024

As usually, when I write from the heart, what came to paper was in my love language, English. I am not going to translate this but if you really want to read it in German, please copy and paste it in a translation app.

When I started to write this, I had something completely different in mind but in the end I let the heart bring the words to paper. I will propbably write more at one point about the actual things that happened up there.

But this is what wanted to come through for now...

The first question we were confronted with by our hosts in the Sierra Nevada was

What is sacred?

Everyone of us had their sacred stories, places, rituals and more, that came to mind and were shared in a circle.

I found that sacred, to me, is what is true.

A truth that goes beyond morals. Truth in the sense of an undeniable energy, that you feel without any doubt. A truth, that is so profound it can only partially be put in words. This truth demands trust. It needs us to trust, that it´s essence will radiate beyond the words spoken and that it will electrify our actions.

Sacred, to me, is opening up to the frequency of truth, even if it brings along doubt, guilt or fear. In the end, these emotions show us, how deep we can go into our own shadows. Whether we dance in the sacred shadows or bask in the eternal light of our souls, we have to keep receiving energy to be alive as long as we are in this body. We will have to keep transforming what is given to us in some sort of action, because this vessel of ours is not a container. It is an antenna.

Sacred is to transmit and to emit this energy simultaneously. It´s reciprocity.

It´s the sacred action of humans. To take and to give. Isn´t that what we are here for, in a way?

As long as we are in this body, we have to perform actions.  This is a contract we signed the moment we took our first breath and it is a contract that won´t end until our last breath.

And maybe here lies the key to our “sacred compass” also: it is in the air we breath, in the fire, that moves us, in our waters and in the earth, that holds us.

Prakriti, that which protrutes from the core of it all, dictating the human experience through three simple frequencies. Out of these frequencies, the gunas, the elements are born. Out of them, humans come into existence, with all their thoughts, their drama, their longings and sacred actions.

What can be more sacred than this?

What action can be more sacred than to reciprocate with the elements? What cause can be more important, than to act on their protection? And hopefully, along the way, we remember not to take ourselves too seriously and be of service to it all. To the elements, to nature.

All the bullshit, pardon my french, about being spiritually uninvolved, being in non-aciton all the time, focusing only on the energy within us and on our prayers in the comfortable silence of our own hearts, all that strikes me as greedy and way too comfortable. Whatever happened to the sacred action, that we carry into the world??

Again, we are not a vessel, that needs to be filled. This perception is the core of the greed of our hearts. We are doer and receiver all at once. And whilst we are supposed to enjoy and take all of this human experiecne, we have NOTHING to demand from this earth but all to give in return.

Nothing ever flows one way but if you try to harness the sweetness of life, instead of nourishing it, that nectar will become your poison.

Whenever humans where so sure that they have the right to take something, we created a world out of greed and lack, exploiting our planet, our brothers and sisters and more than anything, our energy.

Are we now exploiting our own spirituality? Are we fogetting how to truly reciprocate with all that surrounds us? Are we keeping our spirituality to ourselves, to avoid turning it into action, that will actually change something around us?


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